Captain’s Final 2022
The qualification for the Captain’s final will be the best two scores from the 4 qualifiers against the competition standard scratch. The top 72 players will play 18 holes medal on Saturday 27th August with a cut reducing the field to 42 players who will play a further 18 holes on Sunday 28th August. The best combined net 36 hole score will determine the winner.
President’s Final 2022
The qualifying for the Presidents Final will be the best 42 medal scores against CSS over one qualifier played on 18th June. The Final will be played over 18 holes of medal golf on Saturday 9th July.
Millennium Cup
18 hole single medal round competition to be decided by the best net return.
Championship Cup
Will be decided on the three best total gross returns in any single medal competition.
Senior’s Cup
18 hole single medal round competition to be determined by best net return, open to all full members with a handicap over the age of 55.
Tiger’s Cup
18 hole medal competition to be decided on best net return score. Open to all full members with handicap of 11 or under on the day.
Scratch Plate
Will be decided on by the best gross score in any single medal round over the season. White tee competition only
Rabbits Competition
18 hole single Stableford competition open to all full members with a handicap of 19 and over on the day.
Intermediates Cup
18 hole single medal round competition to determine best net return score, open to all full members with a handicap of 12 – 18 inclusive on the day.
John Gilbert Masters
18 hole single medal round competition played between all winners of a competition in the previous season.
Presidents Putter
Best net aggregate return of the three qualifying rounds for the President’s Final
Birdie League
All birdies returned in any single weekend competition round, excluding Captain’s and President’s finals, will be counted towards the birdie leagues. Birdie Leagues will be arranged and organised by handicap category.
Fielding Cup
Singles Progressive Draw – Final to be played by closing day on arrangement by the finalists.
Froden Trophy
Pairs Progressive Draw – Final to be played by closing day on arrangement by the finalists.
Steward’s Cup
Best 3 Single Stableford scores from 5 rounds to be played over the season.
Please note that the competition rules state that unless a prizewinner attends the Presentation evening then their prize is forfeit. The only exception to this rule is if the prizewinner informs the Competition Secretary in writing of their inability to attend and nominates another person to collect on his behalf.
Any disputes should be reported to the Competition Secretary whose decision shall be final.
Members are reminded that when a Board Competition is in play on Sunday mornings then non-competitors are not allowed on the course.
Tuesday Competitions
Held weekly and open to all members, with Tee Times from 12.00 noon.